Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I know you've been on pins and needles...

These are fresh, we took them this morning, so here is your 19 week baby bump...
If I had photoshop here on my work computer, I would draw an arrow pointing to my left hip and write "This is where it hurts"

6 people gave their 2 cents:

Jen Holtkamp said...

you look great! congrats!

Sheena said...


Ashy said...

You are the cutest preggo person I have ever seen !!

Lexie@BookBug said...

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the pains just get worse! I recommend getting a good back brace (I have 2 if you want to borrow one!) And there are these great Icy Hot patches for your back that feel pretty good. And definitely make Trent give you back massages!!

Angela said...

You are TOO cute with a baby bump!

I'm only 15 wks and am feeling the pains too... my bottom ribs are killing me and my back is soooo achy! Oh the joys! It's all worth it though, huh?!

kara said...

oh my gosh!!!! you look so dang cute!!! i LOVE it!!! why havent you put this up sooner!!!!????