I have seen these lists on a couple other peoples blogs and thought I would try it. Hopefully you guys will learn new stuff about me, but I know I will probably benefit the most from this. Feel free to comment.
1. My favorite chore to do is fold laundry, but its only because I get to sit in front of the TV to do it.
2. I am a hypochondriac, but mostly when it comes to dying. Death really phazes me and I have anxiety attacks that I have a brain tumor or cancer. Trent is really good at calming me down.
3. I love shoes and accessories. I believe you can wear any outfit and make it look great with the right shoes and purse/necklace even if they don't match, I love this style. Unfortunately I don't have the money to accomodate this right now.
4. I hate it when people underestimate my skills as a hairdresser or think they know me or the way I am.
5. I hate socks, I never wear them. I own 1 1/2 pairs (approximately 3 socks). Until last week that is when Trent bought me a 6 pack cause I sneak his for my gym shoes if I can't find 2 of my 3 socks.
6. I only feel like myself as a blonde. Last year Trent wanted to see me as a brunette so I went dark and when he liked it I was deeply offended and felt like he wasn't in love with the real me anymore.
7. I don't listen to lyrics in music and it doesn't decide my mood. Almost the only music I truly feel is church music, and I love it.
8. I hate hate hate bad language, especially the f-word. Its mostly the reason I don't watch Rated R movies.
9. Also on music, since I don't listen to lyrics I make up words that fit.
10. I screen my calls, sorry. I may have screened if I didn't answer when you called but I don't like talking a lot, and I have to be in a certain mood to talk to some people.
11. I am not very social. I prefer to have my close friends and not a whole fleet, I just don't feel comfortable, although, I wouldn't say I am shy.
12. I chew on everything, I try to keep gum with me. Usually I eat the styrofoam cup after I am finished drinking from it, (Trent hates this cause of the chemicals) but my favorite is to rip off the rubber, plastic, grapes from fake plants and I will chew on it for hours and save it for later if I have to eat.
13. Whenever I hear classical music I think of my grandma and how she would always have all the doors and windows open at her house with classical music playing on the radio in every room.
14. I love sticking my head out the window in the car, which leads into #15.
15. I love driving fast on boats, I go up to the very front of the boat and just close my eyes and feel the wind and the waves.
16. I wish I could fly more than any other super power.
17. I am in denial of the fact that my body is afraid of heights. It gets all shaky when I am up high.
18. I am a job hopper, I have a really hard time staying at a job because of the boss.
19. I am not really a job hopper, I have explanations as to why I have had so many; they have to do with trying something new or moving or school.
20. I see nothing wrong with a little plastic surgery.
21. I worry about what my extended family says about me.
22. I used to say I would never cook, but now I kinda like it and I even wish I knew how to bake fancy desserts really well.
23. I love to float upside down underwater. Heck, I love to just flost under there period.
24. I have the same middle name as my mom and 2 of my sisters and I think it is really weird.
25. I love sweet flavors. Candy or fruit, fruit is as good to me as candy. I don't crave salty things like Trent.
26. Trent says I grind my teeth at night. They are sore in the morning.
27. I have a lot of nightmares.
28. Crying makes me feel 100% better, if I have a problem for a couple days and finally cry, I am totally over it.
29. I never thought marriage would be this good.
30. I have convinced myself I don't like soda and I actually crave water over anything else.
31. I am really scared of losing Trent, whether its death or something else, I think this goes back to #2 and #27
32. I could live anywhere.
33. So far, I hope to settle down in California or Oregon. I am thinkin Northern CA. We will see what happens.
34. When I am mad or upset, I get quiet. This started after I got married and I think it is a better way to handle it than before. I just need time to collect my thoughts.
35. I am not a very good listener. I always start shelling out solutions to the problem and I really need to work on just listening. I really am trying.
36. When I was little I wanted to be a famous actress. I still secretly wouldn't mind. I love acting.
37. I always hiccup when I have a sip of soda.
38. I am extremely clumsy. I always trip and fall, hit my head, stub my toe, slam my fingers....
39. I love to hold little reptiles and catch frogs. This was one of the things Trent and I did in Moab over our summer of falling in love. Although, Trent won't hold them cause they might bite him with their sharp teeth.
40. Recently, I got so baby hungry I was even jealous of a pregnant woman.
41. I have an unusually small head, people have bought me hats for little kids and they fit just fine.
42. Cow milk grosses me out, I only drink Vanilla Soymilk.
43. I couldn't wait to serve a mission before I met Trent, I wanted to go to a 3rd world country and teach little kids how to wash their hands and stuff. I still want to do one of the programs where you go down with a group of doctors or dentists.
44. I am so afraid of sharks, I even get scared that they are in the pool.
45. One time I got Arby's to deliver to my house by calling a bunch of times. ("Will a dollar change your mind?") I thought I was pretty funny.
46. I have 8 grandmas (not including Trents, that makes it 10) and 6 grandpas (not including Trents, then its 8) and more aunts, uncles, and cousins then I feel like counting. My family likes to divorce and remarry.
47. I would love to time travel to pretty much any time.
48. My sister in law, Kalei Hogan, is about to make it big. She is on You Tube and theneighborhoodjukebox.com. She will be going to Nashville to record in September. Her voice gives me goosebumps.
49. I was the kid on the playground that ran for the bars at recess and I could do every trick!! Cherry bombs, suicides, those one leg flip around things, flip your whole body around things.... I had calluses on my hands and the back of my knees would bleed.
50. When I was in the 3rd grade I started a funny habit. Everywhere I went in the house I was somersaulting there. Sometimes I ran into the walls, but I just straightened myself out and kept going and going and going....
51. My mom had just married Wayne when I started #50, and he probably thought there was something wrong with me.
52. I could do a back hand spring by the 2nd grade.
53. I watched TV upside down till I was about 12, sometimes I still do cause its comfy.
54. My favorite color is green.
55. My ears are gauged to a size 8, which I partially have because then when I wear other earrings my ears don't get sore.
56. I have never been afraid to pop a squat anywhere, I have had this gift since I was probably 4 and had to pee on the side of the road traveling between San Diego and Las Vegas for my parents joint custody.
57. When I was around the age of 6, I liked to roll rolly polly's up into balls and shoot them out straws.
58. When I was 5, I was walking home from school in my church shoes on the heels and tripped and chipped my tooth.
59. I know a lot about Thai food (which I love) because I worked at a Thai restaurant for a couple months.
60. Right now Trent and I are house hunting.
61. I went into kindergarten when I was 4 and always hated being younger than everybody else.
62. I love scrapbooking and doing hair cause it is art to me.
63. I face all my clothes in the closet the same direction and they are usually color coordinated.
64. I am LDS and wouldn't have it any other way. My life is so much easier because of the standards I have decided to live by.
65. I don't like petting things with fur, it makes my hands feel dirty and dusty and I can't touch anything afterwards.
66. Including Trents siblings, I have 5 sisters and 8 brothers!! WOW, that is a lot, I never realized there was so many!
67. I am hooked on the Office, Prisonbreak, and Lost. I used to be into Grey's Anatomy but Trent doesn't like it cause it's bloody and it doesn't mesh well with #2.
68. I love camping... the clean air, the stars, it's quiet. Just everything.
69. I can still do the splitz and backhand springs and kicks. I plan on being able to 20 years down the road too.
70. I love being active, but I hate, HATE working on a cardio machine. I dread it when I go to the gym and usually don't last very long.
71. I grew up in Southern CA till I was 9 then we moved to Utah and I have only recently acknowledged Utah as home.
72. I sing in the car and in the shower if Trent isn't around. I'm pretty sure he has never heard my skills! At least I hope not.
73. I like musicals, but mostly the movie ones (Chicago, Mamma Mia, Phantom of the Opera) not so much on stage.
74. I always look for the positive in things, I always try to make things work the way they are and try to give people the benefit of the doubt.
75. I get mad at Trent if he hands me the phone without telling me who it is. (Please see #10)
76. I have rolled a car going 35 miles an hour. It was a dirt road and we lost our weight, fishtailed, and hit into a 5 inch tall dirt lip on the side of the road. The saddest rollover ever, and I was just laughing after and taking pictures posing in front of the car.
77. I am really really attracted to Jack Sparrow, but not as much since I met Trent.
78. I have a muscular build, I'm pretty strong for a girl.
79. I think embarrassment is just a fear of judgement, but that doesn't mean I don't get embarrassed.
80. I get butterflies when I think about Trent.
81. I think Trent is too good for me.
82. I finally gave in to the "The Hills" craze this past spring and am totally addicted.
83. Trent and I have a dog named Bubba that we got from My dad and Angie, its the only dog I have ever gotten attached to and am willing to pet sometimes.
84. Bubba is gay. Which we are sad about because we wanted to breed him.
85. I want to have an indoor pony and pig.
86. I love sweet sticky rice with coconut milk, its one of my most favorite desserts.
87. I quit figure skating in 4th grade when it was time to start private lessons and I still wish I hadn't.
88. Trent knows that whenever we can see the stars I point out Casseopia and the big dipper without fail. They are the only ones I know.
89. Papa John's is the best pizza, Pizza Hut is the worst.
90. Papa John's barbeque chicken pizza thick crust and CPK margherita thin crust are my favorite types.
91. I love my wedding ring more than any other ring I have ever seen.
92. I am DEFINETLY my mother's daughter.
93. My pinky toe nails are non-existent. And in the words of the little asian women that give me pedicures, "Vewee littow"
94. I can't wait to stay home and be a mom.
95. Trent and I got married 9 months after we met, we knew we were getting married after a month and a 1/2 but didn't admit it for 3.
96. I knew I loved Trent the first time we kissed.
97. I love to travel to new places and can't wait to go on more vacations out of the country.
98. I have had a sibling under the age of 3 in my family since I was 3.
99. I want to serve a lot of missions when our kids move out, this could have something to do with #97.
100. Im pregnant..... Just kidding.
Sorry, that last was cause I was sick of thinking and wanted to be done. Well, that taught me a lot about myself and was pretty hard. Hope you guys learned something new about me!
1 week ago
1 people gave their 2 cents:
#21???? I'm extended family!!! If I have something to say to you I hope you know I would say it to your face :)
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