Its a good thing I got tagged with this cause my goofball sister-in-law, Kalei, was asking tons of questions this weekend, so she will probably appreciate this.
How long have you been together? 2 years
How long did you date? nine months, although we still like to consider each other bf/gf to keep things interesting.
How old is he? 24
How old is she? pushing 23
Who eats more? TRENT, def. TRENT!
Who said "I love you" first? Trent did. The night before he said it we were going back and forth with, "NO, I REALLY REALLY like you." When I said, "I like you like CRAZY, like I have never liked anyone before ." Which we all know, means I love you. He said, "I like you like my mom." At this point, I said, "Goodnight." We were on a multi-day river trip sleepin in cots next to each other so I just rolled right over. The next day, I was talking to my brother (who came on the river trip also) about how I didn't know if Trent wanted to date after the summer ended cause he had never mentioned it and I just didn't know how much he liked me. Then later on that night (it was sunset by the way) I was sitting on a rock drawing in the sand, Trent came over and sat next to me and wrote, "Yo te amo" in the sand (I guess he was too scared to write it in English) I was pretty sure on the translation but didn't wanna assume and then be wrong that could be embarrassing, so I said, "what does that say?" and he said, "What's YO mean?" and I said, "I" and he said, "What's te?" and I said, "You" and he said, "and amo?" and I said, "love" and he said, "Yeah?" and then I said, "I love you too!!" then, in true Trent fashion, he took off running, but not without grabbing a sheet off his cot. Just to make sure he didn't think it was a sympathy, "I love you too" I went after him. So, picture this, we were in a canyon on the river at sunset and it was windy and we were standing on a beach and he turned around and hugged me wrapping the sheet around me and we both said I love you and kissed. Movie worthy, I know.
Who is taller? Trent, 6 feet, me, 5'6"
Who sings better? Uhh... prob me
Who is smarter? I have street smarts and living on your own smarts but Trent knows a lot about history and cars and stuff.
Who does the laundry? Much to my dismay, no matter how many clothes he ruins of mine, he still does it cause the laundry piling up bugs him before it bugs me. But last week, I officially banned him from doing my laundry.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? We change it up pretty much every night, this might change once we move into a house though.
Who pays the bills? Me.
Who cooks dinner? It depends on who gets off work first but I think usually me.
Who is more stubborn? Me
Who kissed who first? This story is too mushy and juicy and embarrassing to tell, sorry Kalei (I don't know, if you really want to know maybe I could tell just you, I just don't think I could post it here) but long story short, Trent went in for the kill.
Who asked who out? Neither we just were.
Who proposed? Trent, but just barely. Really Trent, I'm over it, I just like to give you a hard time.
Who has more friends? Equal
Who has more siblings? Me.
Who wears the pants in the relationship? I regret to say, it's me, but I wish it wasn't.
I tag Lexie!!
2 weeks ago
1 people gave their 2 cents:
Hey Trent and Cherie love you guys!
Cherie you guys have the cutest love story! Thanx 4 answering my questions!
Love, Kalei
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