I am gonna be saying that a few more times this year...
We FINALLY had our first doctors appointment... I can't tell you how frustrated I was getting at seeing ultrasound pictures on other people's blogs saying they FINALLY had a doctors appt yet they were 6 or 8 weeks. Whatever, I'm over it cause we finally had ours!!
The Basics:
First: I am really pregnant! Yes, I was worried she was gonna say, "What are you talking about? You're not even pregnant."
Second: My due date is August 22. (I can't tell you how much I was hoping to be just a week farther along.. I am in Vegas, it will be the summer... oh, and I am excited.)
Third: I peed in a cup and I'm not getting any better at it. I can go into details if you like...
The measurements are coming in at 13,2 to 12,4 so she is saying I am 12 1/2 weeks but that could change! She did an ultrasound and we got to see our little peanut... although he/she isn't a peanut anymore, he/she is a lime! Well, lengthwise, and about a 1/4 of a pound! We also got to hear the heartbeat, 168, which is great! YAY! It is weird to be the one getting the ultrasound, to be the one that is pregnant, instead of hearing about someone else being pregnant. So exciting!
Now for the bad news... don't worry, it isn't too bad. From one angle, the brain looks like it has a little more black around it than it should, which means there could be extra fluid. She kept looking from different angles and she did the down there ultrasound to have a better look and it looks fine, it is just from the one picture it looked funny. So, if there ends up being extra fluid around the brain then when the babe is born they have to put a shunt in the brain to drain the fluid into the stomach, which will absorb it. I am not worried at all, it is so early that it could absorb it on its own, or it could be nothing cause it was just the one image! I am getting a second look in the next week and they will use 4D ultrasound so we may be able to tell what the sex is at 14 weeks.... lucky!
Also, the doctor said I should have no problems breast feeding... this has been a concern of mine since I got a breast reduction a couple years ago. My plastic surgeon said I should be able to even though I haven't really gotten feeling back, but it was good to hear it from someone else. I guess it will be pretty lucky cause I won't have the pain normal breastfeeding moms do!!
Now, for all you moms or pregnant moms... how far along were you when you first felt a little kick?
3 days ago
6 people gave their 2 cents:
I first felt my kids kick around 3-4 months along I think
Or expectant DADS!
Megs starting getting ansey about the baby's first kick at about 15 weeks. She was reading online that said that mom's can feel around the 16th week . . .
Megs was over 20 weeks before she felt anything. The weird part is that we had our 18 week (find out) ultrasound where we could see the babe kickin, but megs couldn't feel anything at that point. Weird. BUT NOW, she asks the baby multiple times a day for just a wee break here and there. It will come soon enough.
Only a week and a half longer and you are in the SECOND TRIMESTER, aka Glory Days!
I just felt mine move yesterday for the first time and I'm 17 weeks. It just feels like a bubble but comes and goes really quickly!!! The ultrasound is the coolest though...it just makes everything so real!!!
I really didn't feel Jax kick until around 7 months. I had felt little flutters but I wasn't really sure what that was. It was good that he started kicking so late though because I didn't get tired of it like most pregnant women do.
I felt Ava at 15 weeks and she never stopped........congrats :) xoxo
I think I was at 20 weeks. But honestly, sometimes you will feel the baby move and not know it, because it will feel like something else. I didn't really feel a lot of movement until 24 weeks. Now that I'm at 35 it's not so much kicking, but squirming cause she's got less space in there, but I feel her ALL the time now. :) I'm glad you finally had your appointment! Congratulations!! Keep us all posted!
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