Monday, March 9, 2009

I'd rather have laugh wrinkles than worry warts...

As time goes on, I think more and more about the fact that this baby is relying on me to help her develope correctly. Mostly, it is the food I eat. If I eat some candy, (I probably ate a little more than I should have) I just sit and worry that it was totally unhealthy for her. If I have a sip of Trent's coke (really just a sip), I worry. What if, not only is she not getting the nutrients she needs, but I am also giving her this crap that is gonna make her come out with brain damage? If there is anything wrong with her, it will be my fault! Is this something all pregnant women think about? Please tell me you did/do!
I really need to update you guys too! We went to Brianhead last weekend for snowmobiling (and I road a little... maybe I shouldn't have! see what I mean?) and we had some friends in town this weekend... so eventually I will get that stuff posted!

4 people gave their 2 cents:

Judkins family said...

I didn't worry very much about what I was eating. My doctor told me a lot of the time if you follow cravings you'll be healthier than if you try too hard to be healthy. I found that if I ate what sounded good, I could keep it down, but if I tried specifically to eat something I would get sick. The biggest thing to remember is vitamins and then just make sure you do eat something for every meal, and don't miss any meal for any reason. Every Mom worries to some extent that they're doing the right thing for their child, but your body and baby will tell you what to do :) Also the only things my doctor said I couldn't do was skydiving and scubadiving, basically anything else I could do before I could do still, as long as I felt up to it. Your baby will be fine :D

Anonymous said...

That baby is in the safest place she will ever be !! With Mia I had caffeine and such but not alot ( which meant giving up starbucks everyday) and I ate what I wanted and my doctor supported me in that. I had sushi acouple of time which everyone swore was sooo bad but once in awhile was ok'd by my doc. The biggest thing I noticed with both my babies was my stress level and the atmosphere around me at the time. With Mia for the most part it was a relaxed pregnancy ( not being stressed out and not alot of yelling and such) which made Mia a mellow baby But with Mikey ... Well you know it was freaking crazy so that made him a stressed out baby probally before he even came out. That is what I was worried about if I have anymore kids .... When we do decide to have another child I know I have to do it in a very calm part of our lives cause the differense in my two kids is extreme. So eat what you want .... Have a sip of soda and do not feel guilty.... LOve ya

Charlie Nicole said...

You are totally normal thinking that! Don't worry, baby will be fine! And no we don't think you are inactive, but come hang out with us again!!!!

Elyse Dial said...

i want to see you! i am so happy for you!