I was just wondering... when you were pregnant, did you have a hard time getting a full breath of air ever? It happened to me first like a month ago then didn't happen much for a while then started again Friday and I have had it on and off again since then and all day today. This isn't like I climbed a flight of stairs and I am out of breath. It's like I am sitting at my desk and all of a sudden I have a hard time getting a full breath of air when I breath in, like I am sick and there is crap in my lungs or something. It is the same way I feel every time I get sick with a cold, except that I am not sick or getting sick. Does that sound familiar to you? I have a doctors appointment on Wednesday and I am wondering if I should bring it up...
1 week ago
6 people gave their 2 cents:
don't worry. It happened to me ALL the time! there's just not as much room for your lungs as there used to be. actually I also read that when that happens, the baby is actually getting a much bigger and possibly needed amount of oxygen. Just try to take it easy. By the time you're at 9 months, it'll be like second nature to feel those little gasps. :) I haven't sent you my address yet, but I'd like to try to come to your baby shower!
Totally normal! Feels like the baby is pressing your lungs into your throat! Isn't pregnancy great?! :)
Of course bring it up but yes I felt that way. I felt like a big monster was stepping on me at the same time a little limb was piercing me in my ribs. It only gets better by the way.....let me know when you can no longer sleep laying down and Trent has to prop 14 pillows around you, taking 40 minutes, to just have to wiggle out and go pee.
But with your concerns....I would bring every one up. I told my doc that I haven't done this before so I was going to be the crazy pregnant lady that asked everything. I was....he agreed!
I get that ALL the time!!! and i get a really sharp pain that's in my chest. I asked my doc. and my mom and they both said it was because everything is getting squeezed up and just running out of room!!! It's helps me to lay flat on my back, whenever i can. i know it's not possible at work but if your ever at home and it happens try it!!!
that last comment was from me...
Like the other gals said... completely normal! Every now and then my body suddenly gasps for air, almost like a giant hiccup - strange! And it's also normal for your mucus membranes to work overtime, so a pregnant gal always feels stuffed up and/or congested. The things we go thru for these little babes, huh?!
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