I had my final doctor's appointment this afternoon. I am still being induced Sunday but due to the fact that I am still pretty thick and only dialated to a one, my doctor feels that this is gonna be a LONG labor, at least 24 hours. Then, she says that apparently my stupid pelvic bone is really thick and the baby's head may not be able to get past it... but, she is gonna let me try on my own before going for a c section. So, now I have it stuck in my head that I'm gonna have to have a c section and I really don't want to. Or, maybe I just wanna know what's gonna happen right now, I just wanna get it over with. I'm bummed.
1 week ago
7 people gave their 2 cents:
Not that I will ever be the one to be pregnant, but I am sorry. If this helps at all Megs was told as she was laying in the hospital that is was going to be another 12 hours. It only ended up being 3 hours past that point. Once the pitocin was cranked to a 20 (the max) it worked wonders.
Good luck with everything. We are so excited for you guys.
I'm sorry to hear that! I hope everything works out and you can deliver naturally. But if not, c-sections seriously aren't as bad as people make them out to be. I would actually recommend them! Delivery is quick and easy :) And recovery isn't too bad. Good luck! I'm excited for you guys!
I am sorry that you are discouraged Cherie...we will be praying that all goes well for you on Sunday and that your little one makes it out in the best way for her. Let me know if we can do anything for you guys!
I was panicked about having a c-section too, but I had Jeff give me a blessing to help calm my nerves and to know that everything would be okay. Don't resort yourself to bad experience, because no matter what happens... that sweet baby girl will be ALL worth it :)
Good luck with everything!!! And Sunday is a good day.. so everything will be fine :) Its Tyler and I anniversary!
I'm sorry. That would be so discouraging. I have a very prominent pelvic bone and was told I might have to have a C....but she came out just fine. (after a long labor but i did it!!) The 'not-knowing' is torture and I will be praying for you.
I had a C-Section and I would say: Prepare yourself mentally for one so when it doesn't happen it's a pleasent surprise and IF it does happen you won't be freaking out. I wish someone would have said that to me, so when I went in I wasn't freaking out! Maybe that will help. Good luck on Sunday!!
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