Thursday, August 27, 2009

How to break my heart:

4 people gave their 2 cents:

Lexie@BookBug said...

And I thought getting shots for Jax was tough!

Adventures in Healing said...

Awww. I so know. The pictures are so precious though. I'm super impressed with them.

The Johnson Five said...

COngrats on your beautiful girl!!!

Judkins family said...

Oh Cherie, you are keeping it together much better than I would! The worst thing with Gwendolyn was that she was failing all her jaundice tests, and had to be pricked a bunch of times, but I am sorry things have had a rough start, I'm glad things are okay with you, and it's going to be so amazing how fast time will fly by now. And I'm with you on having a baby, I could totally do it over again, and look forward to it, even though I felt the labor on one side too :) Hope all is well!!