Danielle is my soon to be Sister n law... On Saturday we threw her a Bridal Shower here in Las Vegas, although she and my brother live in Temecula (CA), so we got to spend the weekend with her!! We had it at this yummy french cafe/bistro. Our table was on the patio next to an outdoor fireplace and on a lake, it was great! This picture is with my little sis, she is 8, and so cute. I love her. They served us an appetizer plate complete with different cheeses, meats, and duck pate. and No thank you - I don't do liver.
It was so great to have my moms (yes that is plural, and no they are not lesbians,) and sisters (and a half) and grandmas altogether! Aren't my grandmas so cute?
We were running around all day and came home with barely enough time to wrap her some gifts and make some flower bouquets for everybody...
I am so grateful Bret and Danielle are gonna be eternal companions - they compliment each other so well! I also can't wait to go to the San Diego temple for the wedding!
1 week ago
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