I just thought I would update you. You better sit down for this one... like I said before, my work posted the ad on Craigslist at 11:00 this morning. As of 4:00 this afternoon, 435 resumes have been received through email alone. And we asked them to please fax them, so we haven't even began counting those. I will give you a second to pick yourself up off the ground. Crazy times...
I had to call Trent for positive reinforcement again.
2 people gave their 2 cents:
Wowzers! That is a ton of resumes. I do the HR in town and people literally beg me to hire them. Some are to the point of crying. It kills me because I can't hire everyone...
We don't even advertise and we get at least 60 applications/resumes a week easily.
All will work out Cherie! Things happen for a reason and that baby of your is definitely a huge blessing. I bet once she's here you'll be so busy you won't have time to thing about work. (this is supposed to be uplifting! lol) What could be more important than enjoying time with your first child? :D
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