I have been so excited to retire from the professional world, but this morning my work did a posting on Craigslist to find a replacement for me come July 31st, and I'm kinda sad. My first feelings of reality were in the form of nostalgia. But then real life reality set in, within 10 minutes of the posting being up, 45 resumes through email alone had been received. Times are really tough right now, it scares me that I am willingly giving up a job that so many others are fighting for. And basing this decision on the assumption our brand new company will be successful. Am I sure I wanna do this? Yep, I'm pretty sure that had I only been going on maternity leave, as soon as I held my little baby, I would be announcing to anyone in the room, "I'm not going back to work."
1 week ago
3 people gave their 2 cents:
You go girl!
After I had Aiden (now 7) I went back into my classroom. I would never do it again, though all worked out and it was fine. When I had Ashton (now 3) I knew I would not teach again until my kids were older. They are far too precious to leave to someone else to raise. Though that is not to say that there are days that I wish I was still teaching! But there is a time and season....
You will love being a stay-at-home mom. It's the hardest yet most rewarding job anyone could ever have! I wouldn't change it for the world. Everything else always has a way of working it's self out.
found your blog thru blogfrog.com - we must know/read the same people's blogs.
anyway - this post resonated with me. i want to be at home with my baby ... but im giving up my career, and like you said, in a time when everyone else is clammoring for my job.
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